Jon celebrated his 31st Birthday on July 21st. In our family, we don't just celebrate birthdays for one day... we take as long as needed to get the full effect. It is usually at least a week, sometimes longer if we are feeling lively:) Anyway, we started Jon's Birthday festivities the Friday before. Sarah and Taylor came down to ATL for the weekend. We went out for dinner and then to a comedy show. The headliner for the comedy show was Judah Friedlander, he stars in the show 30 Rock. He was great! Saturday, we had a birthday party at our house with friends, food and booze. What else could a guy ask for on his birthday...don't answer that:) We had a intense game of bocce ball, which I must add that I dominated the game. I know, I should have taken it easy on the old man...what can I say. Then we played some darts and pool and then decided it would be best for all involved to go to bed.
Then we continued the Birthday festivities in Savannah. Taylor and Sarah came down too...they are dedicated birthday celebrators! We stayed Mon-Thurs and we had a blast! Over our many trips to Savannah this year we have had some of the best food. There are tons of restaurants and most of them have unbelievable food. Jon and Taylor both had to work during the days:( Sarah and I decided to take this opportunity to go to the beach!!! I know that hardly seems fair, since it is Jon's birthday, but what are two girls so close to the ocean to do:) We only stayed for a few hours each day because during this time of year dogs aren't allowed on the beach and I didn't want to leave Stella alone for too long. Here are a few pictures from the Extravaganza...but be sure to check out the links to the left!