Our friends Jarrett and Dana came to visit us in Atlanta at the end of October. We had so much fun!!! It was great having them see where we live and what our life down here is all about. Our first full day was rainy so we decided to go to large arcade with go carts...I wish we could have video taped it! Jarrett and Jon's competitive streak definitely came out:) We played a lot of Euchre, which none of our "southern" friends know how to play, so Jon and I needed our fix!
We also went to our first Nascar race! Jarrett and Dana are old pros at these so they showed us the ropes. We got up early and got to the track and did some serious tailgating!

It was really cool to be there in person. It is unbelievable how loud it is!!! I can't even describe it.

We were sad to see our good friends leave, but were so grateful they made the trip. It meant a lot to us.
Thank you Otto's!!!!
P.S. For some reason I can't get anymore pictures to post. Hopefully, I will get more up soon!