I sure am glad I added the "ish" to my projected time frame for this post and I probably should have capitalized it. We've had a wild time since my last post. We have both been very busy with work these last few months and taking every spare moment to immerse ourselves in mommy and daddy "hood". We just celebrated Alexander turning 7 months old last week. It is hard to believe that he is over 1/2 a year old already! He has officially spent more time outside the womb than inside the womb. We continue to remain in a state of parental bliss. This all feels so perfect, so right and I don't see this feeling fading anytime soon.
At Alexander's last doctor's appointment, he weighed in at 14lbs 12oz and 24 3/4 inches long! He has changed so much since our last post in so many ways. He is incredibly social and loves people. He is an easy audience and laughs at just about any silly face or sound we throw at him. He constantly has his hands in his mouth or is grabbing at something, anything. It is incredible to literally watch your child develop overnight. This week he rolled over from being flat on his tummy to his back for the first time. He then repeated it four more times like it was just what he does now. He had rolled over from being propped up on a blanket or on the boppy, but never from being flat on his tummy. Big steps for this little guy.
Jon is having a great time making a strong foundation for Alexander's love of the Packers and Badgers. He is all suited with attire for this football season for both teams and cheered daddy on with all of his Fantasy Football drafts. We can't wait to take Alexander to his first Badger game.
We had an appointment with the Emory Developmental Team on Tuesday. It is a program designed for children that are at high risk for developmental delays. His preemie status qualifies him for this program. They did a full medical exam and full assessment with a child physical therapist to check his development. It went very well and they were thoroughly impressed with our Big A. They were very happy to see how social he is and how much his motor skills have developed. They gave us a few exercises to work with him on to help him develop his next big step....crawling! I'm not sure that we are ready for that, but as with everything thus far in parenting- somehow when the change arrives you find yourself ready. Emory will follow his progress and provide resources if needed throughout his childhood. We are so thankful that he is doing great and doesn't need any extensive therapies at this point, but are equally grateful for this incredible resource that has been made available to us. We feel we have a great team surrounding us for all aspects of his life and couldn't be happier.
We are also back on high germ alert. Alexander's doctor advised us now that kids are back in school, flu/RSV season is just around the corner and this new Enterovirus spreading around; we need to reign in his exposure. It is a little strange to us since neither of us are natural germaphobes. However, we can't take any chances. It makes for some awkward conversations when people are around you or come to your house. I know everyone understands once you explain it to them, but it still feels weird to say "By the way, can you please wash your hands before you reach to touch him" or as soon as people walk in your home..."can you please go straight to the bathroom and wash your hands", but if people think we're weird then so be it. Our friends daughter, Claire, now washes her hands "the way the hospital makes you" (for 30 seconds). It is so cute because she loves Alexander so much and is so protective of him. She is the first to tell someone to go wash their hands before they touch him.
Since our last post, we celebrated the life of Jon's Grandma, as she passed away at the age of 98. She was an incredible mother, grandmother and Granny the Great to name a few of her many roles. She lead a life full of love, laughter, kindness and acceptance. She touched so many lives. I'm very thankful for the time we shared and that I got to experience her love. Jon and I wish she and Alexander could have met. We will be sure that he grows up knowing her story and her memory. We know she is now holding Ellie and Will for us and watching over all of us with them. Jon was able to go back to Wisconsin to be with his family for the service, but Alexander is not "approved" for travel yet, so we stayed home. We love you forever Granny the Great!
We also celebrated my Grandmother's 96th birthday in August. Jon and I have been so blessed in the grandmother department and are so thankful for each milestone spent together. My grandmother is also an incredible lady and full of beauty and life!
I'm starting to plan our Halloween costumes for this year and haven't decided what we'll do yet, but if you have suggestions- send them my way!
Thank you for keeping up with the Kents and love to all!
Emily, Jon and Alexander
Here is your photo fix:)
Family Photo

Sunday, September 14, 2014
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
The Village
Alexander just passed his 5 month birthday last week and we are still enjoying every moment. I'm sitting here writing this as he hangs out in his swing next to me. Often times we find ourselves still questioning if this is real. Is he really home safe and healthy? The truth that he is, is not lost on us for a second. We have settled into a routine that works for us, but somehow there seems to be a lack of time in each day:). We are both working at full speed again and have recruited help with him and the house where needed. What they say is true, it takes a village...and what a mighty and fabulous village we have!
Grandma, my mom, is watching Alexander while I work. Thankfully, I work from home and can still be there when mommy is needed or when I need him:). It has been such a joy to watch them together and such a relief and comfort to know that he is surrounded by love all of the time.
Our village of family and friends has started a steady trickle of visits to meet, snuggle, spoil and help with baby Alexander. It has been wonderful to watch our family meet him and share in our joy. There are many more to the village left to meet (and visit!), but we have nothing but time!
Nana, Jon's mom, came for a whole week and was a huge help! It was so cool to see her welcome and love on her 5th grand baby. She even did the 1st night time feeding all week! The week flew by and we can't wait for her next visit...hint, hint, hint:)
Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Matt and cousins Emmitt, Camille and baby Elijah came next. We had a blast together and it was pure joy watching the kids together. Emmitt is such a great big brother and big cousin. He is such a thoughtful little boy and his heart is full of kindness, not to mention pretty cute too! Camille is beyond adorable and brings so many laughs it's hard to keep up. Jon and I considered ways to keep her here and she considered ways to take our cats home with her. Elijah might just be the happiest baby on earth. He is one big giggle. We are so thankful they made the trip so we could finally meet him!
Next to visit was Aunt Abby. She came for a long weekend over the 4th of July. She got to come with us to Alexander's monthly check up. The doctor was very impressed with him and gave him two thumbs up! He now weighs 12 pounds 4 ounces and is 23 1/4 inches long! He also got a clean report at his last eye exam, thankfully. Any parent of a preemie that has had to witness the eye exams they have to perform, knows the meaning of self-restraint. I won't get into the details here, but they are not fun. You find yourself wanting to deck the doctor, even though he is just doing his job.
While Aunt Abby was here, we took Alexander on a couple of outings and even to some fireworks. Don't worry, he had baby noise cancelling headphones on and he ate through the whole show! The weekend went by way too fast, but we're hoping for another visit when Uncle Thomas can come too!
We've also had many other visits with local friends and family and we're loving every one of them!
Jon has made several work trips and Alexander was kind enough to start sleeping through the night at about the exact same time! He started out sleeping for 6 hours straight at night and is up to 7 1/2 hours at night! Believe me, the grandness of this is not at all lost on us. I'm one who needs a lot of sleep, some people do not, I do. The gift of 7 straight hours, is just that, a true gift!
I also had to make my first work trip since he has been home. We loaded up the highlander with all the necessary and some unnecessary things needed for a two night trip with a baby. Since Daddy was busy working, one of those very necessary things was Grandma. We were able to have some fun with this trip because we stayed with Great Grandma Janet while we were away. It was so fun to see her and have her hold him. We also got to see some great friends while we were away!
Alexander loves bath time, snuggles, story time, his daddy, getting his diaper changed and shockingly my signing voice, to name a few. He doesn't like tummy time, his car seat or waiting to eat. We're working on tummy time and the car seat thing because sometimes in life, we have to do things we don't like to do. Ah, such are the lessons of a 5 month old!
Watching my husband thrive in fatherhood is one of the greatest blessings I've ever experienced. Jon is completely smitten with his son and the feeling is mutual. This made celebrating Father's Day even more special. Last week, when Jon was in Canada for work, we were Skyping and Alexander was sound asleep. As soon as he heard his daddy's voice he woke up with bright eyes and starting smiling. It was so awesome and incredibly cute too! The fact that Jon got to see this through the camera made it even better!
The outpouring of love, prayers and support that we have received throughout our lives, but more acutely this past year and a half has been a humbling experience. We cannot thank you all enough and hope to express our gratitude throughout our journey. Check back next month to see what we can pack into the next 30-ish days!
Emily, Jon and Alexander
I can't help, but post a few more- just because!
Grandma, my mom, is watching Alexander while I work. Thankfully, I work from home and can still be there when mommy is needed or when I need him:). It has been such a joy to watch them together and such a relief and comfort to know that he is surrounded by love all of the time.
Our village of family and friends has started a steady trickle of visits to meet, snuggle, spoil and help with baby Alexander. It has been wonderful to watch our family meet him and share in our joy. There are many more to the village left to meet (and visit!), but we have nothing but time!
Nana, Jon's mom, came for a whole week and was a huge help! It was so cool to see her welcome and love on her 5th grand baby. She even did the 1st night time feeding all week! The week flew by and we can't wait for her next visit...hint, hint, hint:)
Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Matt and cousins Emmitt, Camille and baby Elijah came next. We had a blast together and it was pure joy watching the kids together. Emmitt is such a great big brother and big cousin. He is such a thoughtful little boy and his heart is full of kindness, not to mention pretty cute too! Camille is beyond adorable and brings so many laughs it's hard to keep up. Jon and I considered ways to keep her here and she considered ways to take our cats home with her. Elijah might just be the happiest baby on earth. He is one big giggle. We are so thankful they made the trip so we could finally meet him!
Next to visit was Aunt Abby. She came for a long weekend over the 4th of July. She got to come with us to Alexander's monthly check up. The doctor was very impressed with him and gave him two thumbs up! He now weighs 12 pounds 4 ounces and is 23 1/4 inches long! He also got a clean report at his last eye exam, thankfully. Any parent of a preemie that has had to witness the eye exams they have to perform, knows the meaning of self-restraint. I won't get into the details here, but they are not fun. You find yourself wanting to deck the doctor, even though he is just doing his job.
While Aunt Abby was here, we took Alexander on a couple of outings and even to some fireworks. Don't worry, he had baby noise cancelling headphones on and he ate through the whole show! The weekend went by way too fast, but we're hoping for another visit when Uncle Thomas can come too!
We've also had many other visits with local friends and family and we're loving every one of them!
Jon has made several work trips and Alexander was kind enough to start sleeping through the night at about the exact same time! He started out sleeping for 6 hours straight at night and is up to 7 1/2 hours at night! Believe me, the grandness of this is not at all lost on us. I'm one who needs a lot of sleep, some people do not, I do. The gift of 7 straight hours, is just that, a true gift!
I also had to make my first work trip since he has been home. We loaded up the highlander with all the necessary and some unnecessary things needed for a two night trip with a baby. Since Daddy was busy working, one of those very necessary things was Grandma. We were able to have some fun with this trip because we stayed with Great Grandma Janet while we were away. It was so fun to see her and have her hold him. We also got to see some great friends while we were away!
Alexander loves bath time, snuggles, story time, his daddy, getting his diaper changed and shockingly my signing voice, to name a few. He doesn't like tummy time, his car seat or waiting to eat. We're working on tummy time and the car seat thing because sometimes in life, we have to do things we don't like to do. Ah, such are the lessons of a 5 month old!
Watching my husband thrive in fatherhood is one of the greatest blessings I've ever experienced. Jon is completely smitten with his son and the feeling is mutual. This made celebrating Father's Day even more special. Last week, when Jon was in Canada for work, we were Skyping and Alexander was sound asleep. As soon as he heard his daddy's voice he woke up with bright eyes and starting smiling. It was so awesome and incredibly cute too! The fact that Jon got to see this through the camera made it even better!
The outpouring of love, prayers and support that we have received throughout our lives, but more acutely this past year and a half has been a humbling experience. We cannot thank you all enough and hope to express our gratitude throughout our journey. Check back next month to see what we can pack into the next 30-ish days!
Emily, Jon and Alexander
I can't help, but post a few more- just because!
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