Family Photo

Friday, June 13, 2014
Baby Alexander is 4 Months Old!
We have been home with Alexander for almost 7 weeks and just celebrated Alexander turning 4 months old. As with all new parents our days (and nights) are forever changed. We were very aware this change was coming, but I don’t think anything can truly prepare you for being a mommy and daddy on duty 24/7. Our days and nights are filled with diaper changes, feedings, house work, our jobs and not a lot of sleep, but the most notable addition to our daily lives is the pure abounding joy that has seeped into every crevasse of our life together. Before Alexander joined our world, we were very happy. We were very, very happy, but nothing compares to this. When we wake up at 3 am to his little grunts and cries- cards on the table- my first thought is “I’m so tired”, but then I get up and pick him up and all of that washes away with one look at his perfect little self. Before his arrival we would make bets on who would have to change the dirty diapers or get up for middle of the night feedings. Through our journey over the last year we are able to truly appreciate the gift that he is and we are both happy to be the one that gets to spend that much more time with him. I feel like I’m in a constant state of bliss and am overwhelmed with appreciation for that, for him, for us.
Alexander is growing before our very eyes and you would never know he was once 2lbs 9 oz. At his last doctor appointment he was a stunning 9lbs 14.5oz and 21 ¼ inches long. That was almost two weeks ago, so I’m sure he is pushing 10.5lbs by now. He is a healthy baby boy and thriving- our prayers answered.
Alexander continues to enjoy many of the activities he enjoyed in the NICU, but now in the comfort of his own home. We continue to read books, sing songs and snuggle every day. He is quite the pro at tummy time and he is getting so strong. If you give him enough time and his mood is right, he can push himself from his tummy to his back. In the last few days he has started to smile, real smiles, all of the time. He smiles to the sound of our voices or when he focuses on our faces or just because he is happy.
Monday was the one year anniversary of when our precious baby girl, Ellie, joined her brother, Will, in heaven. It was a day of remembering all that was, all that was lost and celebrating all that we have now. In truth that is every day for us. The loss of Ellie and Will is no bigger or no less today than it was yesterday. I can say that our loss has brought into focus the love and joy present in our lives and has made us more able to soak in all that is good. All of it has brought us to right now; and right now is more than we could have asked for.
Now time for what you have been waiting for- pictures- enjoy!!
Emily, Jon and Alexander
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Yay for the Kents! Love the photos-looks like Stella is tolerating him just fine (ha!). We're so happy for you, and are anxiously awaiting the day we get to meet Alexander. xoxo, Mel and Bill
What an amazing gift!! We are so very happy for all of you! We can't wait to meet him in person some day. Lots of love to all of you!
Matt, Heidi, Noah and Colin
Congrats!!! He is so beautiful and your writing is exceptional. Thank you for the reminder to truly enjoy the craziness of parenthood and be grateful for these miracles!!
We love the pics!!!!! We can't wait to meet you baby Alexander - you are loved so very much!
Cool pics--Danke!
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