Last weekend we ventured out to the 2nd Annual Kirkwood Wine Stroll with Sarah and Taylor. Kirkwood is a neighborhood close to downtown Atlanta. All the local shops have a selection of wine for you to taste, most had two (a red and a white). Now, if you take your wine tasting seriously you can write down comments about each wine, if you just like to drink wine in a fun social setting, that is ok too. It is for all palates. Here is how we do it...The girls get all cute, the boys are cute too:), then we head on downtown and begin to stroll. When we arrive we act very sophisticated and act like we are really analyzing the wine with each sip. We may take some notes on the wines we particularly like. About the time we are approaching stop 5, (there are 14) Taylor suggests that we stop in a bar (which also happens to be one of the stops) to get a full glass of wine, since the pours are so small:) He doesn't have to twist our arms very hard. So, we do this...as if we really need it, with 9 more stops. At this point we are all doing pretty well so, we continue on our jaunt through downtown Kirkwood... with each stop, we taste more wine, get more talkative, get louder and take more pictures. When the wine stroll was over we stopped for dinner. All, I can say about that is the company was the best part. When we got home the fun continued. Sarah thought she was a football player and decided to play full contact football with me. Oh, I forgot to mention that I didn't know she had decided to play this game until I was lying flat on my back in our living room! Taylor thought it would be fun to dump a full glass of wine into our end table drawer. Apparently, he didn't need that glass of wine anyway:) As you can imagine, we had a wonderful time. Here are some pictures documenting our afternoon/evening. Oh, for anyone wondering, Jon was kind enough to only taste a few of the wine selections so that he could drive us all home safely. Thank you for that Jon:)

The night begins...

The famous self portrait!

The night is still young!

There is no sibling rivalry here :)

The drive home...

It has been a good night!

Anyone want to go swimming???
HA! This blog cracked me up! It brought me back to the 1st annual Wine Stroll. What a fun evening! :o) We MUST make this an annual event for all of us. Seeings how I totally missed the boat and did not plan this the very second we got home from Wine Stroll #1 which left me with NO knowledge of when Wine Stroll #2 was and planned something else to do! What was wrong with me?? Bryan and I are so looking forward to #2! I can't believe Sarah tackled you, that is so funny. And Taylor....he totally stole our clumsy gene when he spilled the wine in the drawer. WTG Taylor!
<3 Smashley
Love the blog! SSOOO jealous that you finally figured out pictures and I'm still at stage one of figuring out how to type words! HA! Looks like you guys had tons of fun. Wine seems to bring out the best in all of us!!! Taylor and Sara are so cute together! Can't wait to see more adventures to come. :)
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