Last week was full of catch up and fun! Here are a few highlights:
1. I met Jon for lunch at a tiny little sandwich shop in Leadenhall Market, while we ate we listened to the Salvation Army band play Christmas carols...perfect!
2. I went to the store and once again bought more than I could carry comfortably...learning curve!
3. One morning while drinking my tea and looking out over the river I saw a loon dive down in the water and bob up a few feet away with a fish in his mouth! Turns out the same loon is around every morning and we named her...Lu after our little Luna at home!
4. We had Jon's Christmas party with Vericlaim-London on Thursday- we had a great night meeting new people, drinking great wine and busting out our mad dance moves!!
5. We went to a little wine bar with far too many people in it, but it was really cool...the walls were lined with bottles of wine and you just choose the one you want to drink right off the wall!
6. We also got to have dinner with Jon's boss on Friday, we had a great time!!! We went to an amazing restaurant with great food, wine and company!
7. We found out Jon gets the week between Christmas and New Year's off! So let the planning begin...
8. We woke up one morning to a FULL rainbow perfectly centered above St. Paul's Cathedral...breathtaking!
9. We went to the play A Christmas Carol put on by a local troop in Greenwich. It was really small, I'm talking about 40 seats and it was an amazing performance. We were extremely impressed...wish Julia was here, she would have loved it!
10. We went to our first professional football game (well, Jon went to one before we met, but that doesn't count..right? :P) We went to a Tottenham Hotspur game. Now, you have to be very careful deciding which team to cheer for, and we’re avoiding committing to a team...they take their football VERY seriously!
11. I took my first tube ride and I was ALONE...I know, scary after my ATM experience, but I made it to all my destinations and back home in one piece!
12. I went to Harrods Department Store- WOW, it's even grander than I expected. My two favorite parts....1st there is a wing they called the luxury hall (aka handbags!!!) I girl could spend all day here! My second favorite was the "pet kingdom". I didn't see any pets for sale...but they had every pet accessory imaginable for sale! It was definitely hard to resist a purchase here...I might just have to go back for that pink tutu for Stella!
13. This very same day as I walking about doing completely touristy things, I got asked for directions...TWICE, that's right people, you heard it here, I must officially look local or at least I'm fooling them fairly convincingly! In case you're wondering, I was actually able to give them the correct location!
14. I'm not sure I would call this a highlight, but since you're all along for the ride, I thought I'd pass it along...I saw a grown man wet his pants in broad daylight and be ok with it! I think he had about 4 too many pints, considering we were within 100 feet of multiple public restrooms.
Saving my favorite highlight for last...
15. We booked our Christmas/New Year's trip...We're spending Christmas in Lucerne, Switzerland, then heading on a tour through Austria and Germany and will end up in Munich, Germany for New Year’s Eve.
We leave Friday and can't wait! I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog during our Alps adventure, but will be sure to fill you in at my earliest opportunity!
Until then, we wish you and yours a joyous Christmas and a New Year filled with peace and happiness.
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1 comment:
I love the one about the Loon bird. :) I hope she is still diving in February so we can see her. I also love the one about the guy peeing....what in the world?! Ha!
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