Ok, so I'll try to be brief since we have a lot to cover...although I seem to have a hard time with that. Last week was our first full week here and we loved every minute of it. Monday morning we got up at 7am and boy was this hard! I literally felt like I needed to hold my eyeballs open. Here's to hoping our bodies adjust soon. I took Monday to do laundry, well wait a minute...everyday is laundry day when you're air-drying everything! Otherwise, you have your wet laundry drapped all over tarnation and well that's just not appealing. Anyway, we attempted to get our cell phones set up and after a trip to the cell phone store, a trip to the store that unlocks your SIM card and back to the cell phone store...mission completed. Now, we went to the grocery store for the 3rd time in 3 days and Jon loaded up on more beer and wine so our trip to the drug store got postponed again...priorities people!!
Tuesday I spent trying to catch up on emails and trying to get my new phone to work...it's supposed to be a smart phone, but let me just say here, I'd like to know their definition of "smart"! I still don't have it quite figured out...no comments here from the peanut gallery that I'm the not so smart one:) Thankfully, I finally made it to Boots (drug store) since I was running low on all my travel sized toiletries. It is farily strange not to be able to just go to one store that has everything and load it all up in your car and be on your way. It just takes some getting used to and some planning.
Wednesday Jon got invited to his first Christmas "cocktail" party after work and I had a great night at home with a glass of wine and a great book...so we both enjoying our evenings!
Jon's Christmas party for Liberty was on Friday, they went to lunch around noon....let the drinking begin! I was to meet them after they left the restaurant, which ended up being at 6:15. When I arrived, everyone was seriously pissed by then (now, don't be offended by my language...this is a very common term they use here to describe the state of being inebriated). It was extremely entertaining for those of us who hadn't been drinking for 6 hours. We were at a bar right on the River Walk by the Tower Bridge, great view! We went to our first London club later that night and lets just say we weren't there too long. It was very crowded. So, before Jon lost his marbles we headed home.
This isn't the best photo...but gives you an idea of our view from the pub we were at.
Saturday morning we finally got to check out Borough Market...I think I'm in love! See the pictures on the link and you'll know what I mean. We also walked around a really cool little area by our flat called Bermondsey. We got fish and chips "take away" (that's what they call to-go) which is actually very confusing when someone is speaking in a British accent asking you all these questions and they throw "take away" into the mix! We are now used to this, but resulted in a few strange looks at eachother the first time we heard it.
See the link for more pictures from our market!
Next post...our trip to Greenwich!
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